Recycling Instructions
Our capsule lids are made from food-grade aluminium foil and cups are made from BPA-free polypropylene (PP). Recycling of spent capsules is achieved by separating lids and bases from cups, placing coffee grounds in compost or garden waste bin, and placing lids, bases and cups in recycling.
We work with Soft Plastics Recycling.
The people behind Soft Plastics Recycling are super-passionate about reducing landfill and promoting packaging recycling.
They offer NZ’s only service for repurposing everyday soft plastics, like coffee bags, bread bags, confectionery wrapping and more. In fact, pretty much any plastic that can be scrunched into a ball can be recycled. The scheme is funded by partner members, including retailers and suppliers (like us).
Find out where your nearest bin is here: Store Locator | Soft Plastics Recycling
For an easier disposal process, try our home-compostable pods!